How MOSAIQ helped a radiation oncology center earn APEx accreditation

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大纳什(Nashua,New Hampshire)的辐射中心是美国独立的辐射肿瘤中心,已被授予四年的认可美国放射肿瘤学学会(ASTRO)交流creditation Program for Excellence (APEx®。诊所积分Elekta软件解决方案,帮助他们成为现实。

Accredited by ASTRO and operating under the direction of辐射肿瘤学同意,P.A., the Radiation Center of Greater Nashua was established collaboratively in 1992 by New Hampshire’s Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Southern New Hampshire Medical Center and St. Joseph Hospital.


Elekta的Mosaiq.®肿瘤信息系统helped us to demonstrate our commitment to patient safety in many ways, ultimately helping us meet the APEx requirements,” says Luc Sirois, Chief Physicist at the Radiation Center of Greater Nashua.


MOSAIQ tools make the difference

通过使用质量检查列表(QCLS)并利用MOSAIQ IQ脚本的力量,大纳什瓦的辐射中心可以自动安排定期医疗记录评论(图表检查),尊重APEX建立的验证频率。自动化此过程还确保将定期检查分配给适当的员工,并且不会错过定期检查。

With the help of the assessments feature within MOSAIQ, the Radiation Center of Greater Nashua can create a variety of checklists for documenting nursing evaluations, medical physics chart reviews and pre-treatment time-outs, a measure consistent with APEx’s expectations and allows them to consistently and effectively meet that mark.

The MOSAIQ site setup feature provides therapists with a quick glance at the various photos, diagrams and notes necessary for documenting and reproducing patient positioning from the simulation procedure, all of which are APEx requirements.



“在认证过程中,我们能够审查我们的政策和程序,以确保我们遇到顶级标准,”执行董事Beth Grey说。“MosaiQ通过利用其固有的质量和安全功能,提供了报告标准所需的工具,例如及时的文档和每周物理检查。”


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